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The River of Life Toolbox offers practical tools to help you build your life on Jesus & equip you to participate in His mission.

Following Jesus is not an abstract idea that is disconnected from reality, your relationships, or your job. As a matter of fact, God gives us His all-encompassing plan and invites us into it as we follow Christ. So how can you live intentionally each and everyday as a single entrepreneur or a parent of small children?

Wherever you are at in life and in whatever context you find yourself in, the River of Life Toolbox will help you to see how being in the church is an integral part of God's plan and how you as an individual were weaved into that framework from the very beginning.

Equipping You for Life's Journey at River of Life Church

Know the Way.

Missional Compass

The River of Life Church Missional Compass keeps us on track as a community and as individual followers of Christ.

Evaluate Your Life.

Put On/Put Off

Every believer on the journey with Jesus must Put Off the old and Put On the new! Download the Put Off/Put On Plan to begin the process today.


Growth Assessment

Evaluate your life and ask the Holy Spirit to guide you in making intentional steps of growth in alignment with God's will.


Spiritual Gifts Tool

This document comes from the C.L.A.S.S. 301 - "You Were SHAPED for Serving God" from Saddleback Church. Through these exercises will help you explore more about how God has gifted you to build up others in the church.

Plan Your Time with God.

Bible Study Method

One way to study the Bible.





Bible Study Method - One to One

This booklet walks you through COMA questions for each genre of the Bible.



Bible Study Method

Use this template to study by yourself or in a small group. It's everything you need to get started today.



Bible Study Method

One way to study the Bible.



Two-Year Bible Reading Plan

The Gospel Coalition

Read the Bible in its entirety with this two year plan.

New Testament Bible Reading Plan

The Navigators - 5X5x5 

5 minutes a day. 5 days a week.
5 ways to dig deeper. Explore God's Word

CRU Prayer

The Purpose of Prayer by Bill Bright takes you step-by-step into understanding
more about prayer and why it is foundational for the Christian.
Click on the link below to go through the study yourself.

River Refresh

Praying the Bible

Reading the Bible with
Jesus at the Centre

God's Design for Marriage

Singles and the Church

Should we Give to God
to Get from God

Meaningful Metaphors
for the Church

River of Life Church is a recognized church plant in the Federation of Evangelical Free Churches in Germany (BEFG).

Bund Evangelisch-Freikirchlicher Gemeinden in Deutschland, K.d.ö.R., Gemeinde River of Life Church.

Copyright © 2024 River of Life Church. All rights reserved

River of Life Church is a recognized church plant in the Federation of Evangelical Free Churches in Germany (BEFG).

Bund Evangelisch-Freikirchlicher Gemeinden in Deutschland, K.d.ö.R., Gemeinde River of Life Church.

Copyright 2024 River of Life Church.

All rights reserved